Monday, January 20, 2014

Ninja Turtle Birthday Party

Filled with treats!
Candy molds for Kraang Brains 

Cakeballs were the heroes!

Oreos-simple and effective

Leonardo dishes up some fruit!

These are large sugar cookies with white icing, fruit roll-ups and M&Ms for toppings.
So my 7 year old would like a TMNT themed party.  Ninja turtles are exploding on the scene again but party stuff is limited!  So my favorite thing to do is in the details...I think my children know this!  Here is a peak at our festive event.   Being CHEESE free we had to come up with a way to serve pizza without pizza!  The Kraang brains, modified because the mold for brains is available during Halloween...plan ahead!  Otherwise pretty simple and kept telling me they needed more "turtle power".  The labeled foods gives the image they need to get in the themed mood!  Jello as "toxic ooze" = awesome!  The goodie bags were filled with TMNT bracelets, mardi gras beads, candy and TMNT stickers/tattoos.  Party was held at a gymnastics center where the kids could practice flipping out.  A karate class would be very cute as well.  Yes, a boys birthday described as cute! 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Stay at home Mom?

So I have been toying with the idea of staying hubby is not as confident as I am about it.  I am thinking of wonderful jobs I could create from here in my home.  Stay tuned... 
What do other Moms do besides watch other kids for income?  I suffer from chronic migraines and would love to find something peaceful.  Teaching PE has been very rewarding but it does a number on my head.  NOT to mention my two lovely boys need me to be top notch, not needing a nap when I get home! 
Prayer has been my guide and having a "sound mind" is top priority! 

We are so excited that school is almost out!  We are leaving for Colorado in early June, we loved it last year.  It was one of the most adventurous vacations we have taken as a family.  We are so giddy planning the agenda AND the boys are 4 and 6!  We always said these would be our magic numbers to begin "easy".  So far NOT, but hey we have a month to get there!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My baby is turning TWO!

Not sure where the last two years have has been a crazy whirlwind.  Wyatt is getting stranger by the day so I know the 2's are here!  I heard a Mom say,"My child bangs his hands on the table, isn't that weird?"  I didn't want to tell her what my boys bang on...anything that moves, doesn't move and is the a color in the rainbow. Sometimes I "fix" something and my child freaks...I change it back more I "re-fix" it and all is calm in the world????
Lots of deep breaths.

Friday, June 4, 2010 bad!

So it's been a say the least.  I don't know why I can't seem to do this!  1. Daily Migraines 2. Two Crazy toddlers.  But it is summer time and I want to aim to make this more fun!!  My wild things are something and it will be fun sharing their adventures! 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

These are the ones we are going to make for Evan's class.  Love them!  Matchbook gifts, little worry over all the extra matches and residue....wait....
yeah I'm over it.
Credit to Inchmark, a neat blog I just discovered.

Valentines Cards!

These are way cute and a more simple version of what I was trying way too hard to create.  These came from Darling Darlene a beautiful and talented blogger. 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Important papers??? What to toss and what to keep...

Yahoo! Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News

Thought this article was interesting and a little motivating...I say little because I will not be purging today but it is something t0 keep in mind. It is always a spilt second decision- to toss or not to toss? Here is a guideline to making that choice. Happy reading to you.