Friday, October 10, 2008


The cutest toddler in the world! At dinner tonight, Eric and I were talking and Evan was doing his usual standing dance in the booth. Suddenly he froze, we looked at him and he had torn into an Equal packet with his mouth. The face, priceless.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Got to get used to it!

Man, remembering to do this in addition to the million other things....
Well for those of you that don't know, we are expecting our second child in the spring! Fun crazy times for the Kelley's. Recently I felt like I am getting the spring back in my step, thank goodness. Feeling tired with a toddler in the house doesn't work out so much. Next month we find out if baby is a boy or girl...that will make the name game a little more fun.

Evan is a chatter box, some real and some made up and some mixed together. It's been fun. He wants to tell you what everything is. Doesn't he already know we are impressed with him?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Evan likes it!

So it took two weeks but our child likes going to school/daycare. Today was the second day Evan was to busy dancing to kiss Daddy goodbye. Now when I pick him up he is opening the door before I have all our stuff! This last weekend Evan had a language break out...he mimics EVERYTHING we say and then some. My current fav is "nennis shew", LOVE IT.